Päätettiin lasten kanssa tehdä eilen yllätykseksi perheen syntymäpäiväsankarille suklaakeksejä. Löysinkin mukavan minulle uuden reseptin täältä ja vielä kun reseptiin oli liitetty hauska tarina, niin pitihän sitä kokeilla.

Tässä tarina englanniksi:

This recipe comes with an urban myth: A woman in New York met a friend at a small coffee shop, where they ordered drinks and cookies. They liked the cookies so much that she asked for the recipe. The owner of the coffee shop said that she could have the recipe, but she would have to pay something for it. The woman agreed, and paid for the coffee, cookies and the recipe on her credit card. When she got her next credit card statement, she realised that she had been charged a massive $200 for the recipe. She was furious! She called the restaurant, which refused to refund the money, saying that it was a fair price for the recipe. The woman said that, for that price, she must have bought the copyright for the recipe and she would send it out worldwide. She passed the recipe on to everyone she knew, and asked them to do the same.

So here it is; pass it on!


American chocolate chip cookies

(Suluissa suomennokset)

  • 100g (4 oz) porridge oats (kaurahiutaleita)
  • 125g (5 oz) plain flour (vehnäjauhoja)
  • 2.5ml (½ teaspoon) bicarbonate of soda (soodaa)
  • 2.5ml (½ teaspoon) baking powder (leivinjauhetta)
  • 2.5ml (½ teaspoon) salt (suolaa)
  • 50g (2oz) bar milk chocolate, grated (maitosuklaata)
  • 100g (4 oz) butter at room temperature (huoneenlämpöistä voita)
  • 100g (4 oz) soft dark brown sugar (ruokokidesokeria)
  • 100g (4oz) caster sugar (hienoa sokeria)
  • 1 large egg (iso kananmuna)
  • 2.5ml (½ teaspoon) vanilla extract/essence (vanilja uutetta/esanssia - laitoin 1 rkl vaniljasokeria)
  • 115g (4½ oz) chocolate chips (suklaahippuja/-rouhetta/-karkkeja)

(1 teaspoon = 1 tl)

Always wash your hands before preparing food.

(Pese kädet aina ennen leipomista!)

  1. Preheat oven to 190°C/375°F/gas mark 5 (Kuumenna uuni 190 asteeseen)
  2. Put the oats into a food processor or liquidiser and whizz to a fine powder (hienonna kaurahiutaleet mikserissä)
  3. Add flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt and whizz again to mix together  (Lisää joukkoon kuivat aineet ja hienonna)
  4. Add grated chocolate (or break into chunks and whizz again)  (lisää maitosuklaa paloina ja hienonna)
  5. Put both sugars into a large bowl with the butter (Laita toiseen kulhoon huoneenlämpöinen voi ja sokerit)
  6. Cream them until light and fluffy (vatkaa, kunnes vaahtoutunut)
  7. Beat the egg and vanilla together in a cup  (Sekoita muna ja vaniljaesanssi keskenään)
  8. Beat this into the creamed butter mixture (use an electric whisk if you have one)  (Lisää munaseos voi-sokerivaahtoon sähkövatkaimella)
  9. Add chocolate chips and dry ingredients, mix well with a spoon until everything is mixed in and you have a dough (lisää suklaahiput ja kuivat aineet. Sekoita hyvin lusikalla.)
  10. Use your hands to roll into balls the size of ping-pong balls and put them, 5cm apart, on to non stick baking paper on a baking tray. (pyörittele pingispallon kokoisia palloja massasta ja aseta ne n. 5 cm välein leivinpaperin päälle, uunipellille.)
  11. Bake in the oven for about ten minutes. They should have a golden colour, but still look a little underdone (this is what makes the lovely chewy soft texture). If you like them crisp, keep them in a bit longer (Paista uunissa n. 10 min., kunnes ovat kauniin kullan ruskeita ja vielä pehmeän näköisiä. Jos haluat kekseistä rapeita (minä sanoisin kovia), niin paista hieman kauemmin. )
  12. Leave them on the tray for a couple of minutes to firm up, then use a fish slice to lift them onto a wire rack to cool (anna jäähtyä hetken aikaa ja nauti)

(Pikainen suomennos: Pullahiiri)

Käytin itse noiden suklaahippujen sijaan M&M´s choco- sekä peanut-karkkeja.